What To Read Instead #5 -- Garbo

Each week I post a book that I think makes a good substitute for a book or series that I think could be skipped in order to make the best use of limited read time. 

This week, we're in the genre of science fiction. Rather than read everything ever written by an acknowledged master, why not read the best of his stuff and then save some reading time for someone talented but not as well-known?

To skip:  

The two-volume collection The Complete Stories by Isaac Asimov

To read instead, choose as many as you like of the following, maybe doing some mix-and-match.

The Best of Isaac Asimov -- I, Robot -- Foundation -- The Fountain of Age by Nsncy Kress -- The Probability series by Kress


The Complete Stories, Vols. 1 & 2.by Asimov   17.5 hours

The Best of Isaac Asimov    5.5 hours

Foundation  5 hours

I, Robot    5.5 hours

Fountain of Age    5 hours

Probability Moon (Vol 1 of the Probability series)   6 hours

If you decide against The Fountain of Age, I recommend reading at least one story from it:  "Laws of Survival."  The story also appears in the anthology Not One of Us, edited by Neil Clarke. The image at the top of this post is the cover for that book. 

Disclaimer:  I suggest skipping books, but there's always a substitute offering in these posts. I never suggest skipping a book and playing more video games or spending more time doomscrolling. And I am not banning, condemning, harming, or trashing the books I recommend skipping. There's nothing wrong with the titles I suggest skipping; it's just a matter of making choices with limited time to read in a busy, busy world. 

